I made this web site as a place where people can keep up with developments in the murder investigation without bothering Susan or having to crawl through the back pages of every copy of the Contra Costa Times. After a couple of years of ignoring this website (because we were having major attacks of life) I recently (Sept 2008) completely overhauled it and moved it to a more reliable hosting vendor. The new folks are eskimo.com and we are very happy with them. The old ISP, onewest.net, was bought out by a large bulk-volume provider called sitestar. We didn't much care for sitestar. They cater to the black-box windows users and have little ability outside of that box. They were not up to the task of supporting our server array running on linux. Basically, if you weren't an imbecil running a windows box, it was impossible to get decent customer service. Eskimo, on the other hand, is linux and unix friendly and they cater to geeks like us. They don't charge an arm and a leg for cohosting either.
This web page received the National Crime Information Exchange (NCIE) Crime Fighter's Golden Cuffs Award for Web Excellence in Dec., 2001. The NCIE website maintains a compilation of many unsolved crimes and of missing persons. Click on the web award graphic to visit their website.
This site went on line February 19, 2001; the date of the most current revision is 06 September 2008. The current incarnation of the website was written from scratch with CSS and HTML (I'm too vain a nerd to resort to one of those website building programs). There are no ads. No marketroids. No spam. No junk email. No email stripping or tracking. No cookies. No hassle. This website does use an invisible internal php counter.
Essentially, this site is about Neal and Brendan - and nothing else. I spell badly and sometimes links die. If any of the above information is incorrect, then it's probably my fault and no one else's. Send comments about this site to: gc@bigroom.org
"Cold-hearted orb that rules the night, Removes the colors from our sight, Red is grey and yellow white, And we decide which is right, And which is an illusion" |
Thanks for remembering the Abernathys. Keep the memory green.
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